fredag den 27. august 2010

what i think about World of Warcraft.

i like World of Warcraft becours they not have a end. you can never complete it and that' its funny.
i got a druid-paladin-deathknigt there are good my druid are lvl 80/80 they are very good gear and i have make meny raid's and dunge. at wow on my druid got i a ugly got a fat 1 that's funny. my gearscore at my druid is (5300 at 6300) good. the game be never boring for me becours i got many friend's i play with. fx if i am helping him to go lvl 40 and boost him i a lvl 40 dungen, are he boosting me after in a lvl 66 dungen at my palading. so we are helping each other to be better. here can u see a druid like mine ..

a lvl 80 druid with the best gear..

my paladin are lvl 66/80 i have not play so muth at it but he is very strong at he's lvl
paladin's are a very strong class they use plate the stronge's gear there are.. paladin's can u axe sword  shield and mace. they are easy to train and fun to play i have never have a problem with him :).

 World of warcraft cost 100kr per month, but you get some for the money. fx are you training you english very muth.

there are some pack's to wow there cost money but they do the game more fun.
the burning crusade was a upgrate to come lvl 70 and be better.

after come Wrath of the lich king a very fun upgrade they do to come lvl 80.. and be better

(gobling,s) new horde race
ally'es new race (worgens)
now are there soon comming a new upgrade (Cataclysm) you can go lvl 85 if you buy it very nice new race's gobling's to horde  and  worgen to ally'es  

world of warcraf.-. About the Game.

World of Warcraft it is about to train a man you make. you make a man/woman and play  at it.
the game's max lvl is 80 but you can still be better and better. you can never complete the game becours there come more and more options. you can only be a good player if you get some of the best gear.
World of Warcraft it's make by Blizzard. Word of Warcraft its world's biggest game. blizzard get 1mia,100mil every month. there are to way's to play the game pvp and pve. pvp is about to kill an other player and go in arena with/against other player's. for be good to pvp most you get some pvp gear. pvp=player vs player. with pvp gear have u more healt. you can make 2v2, 3n3 and 5v5 with some good player's/ friends you have. all pvp players need pvp gear for be good. you can get pvp with making battleground. battlegrouns is a little world where there are 10vs10. you get 3000 honer points for winner 1000n for loosing and with them can u get pvp gear. there are some allyes the good player's and horde the evil player's allyes is humans dwarfs gnomes night elv and dreani.all of them are allys
PvE its about to get some pvp gear. pvp gear is some gear there make more damage. pve is dunge and raid.i a dungen are you with 4more player's and you self. i a dungen are you killing some monsters and boss'es. raid are 10-25 player's there play together and muth more hard ...
Horde. horde are evil's, the race's is . org's troll's tauren's blood-elv and undead


Tauren (Warrior)

classes is ... warrior- paladin - deathknigt-druid-mage-rouge-priest-shaman-hunter and warlock..